K20 Wakizashi

It is the size and weight of a traditional wakizashi and it more or less falls within the dimensional and kinetic windows of that kind of weapon however we are not saddled with the relatively low quality steel that traditional smiths were encumbered with and we will be able to make a sword here that will tolerate use that would destroy a historical sword. With that in mind I am pressing the primary grinds a little more narrow than normal for enhanced cutting ability, I’m giving it a little extra blade height to reduce the tendency of a long thin blade to wrap around a hard target, and I am adding a weighted pommel which moves the center of gravity back to only 3/4″ ahead of the guard for excellent one handed control and the addition of a little weight in the tang translates into a little bit more cutting power in a hit (trust me, it works). If you remember the traditional sword on “Knife-or-death”, it got all screwed up in that cutting competition. This sword won’t be like that. This sword could probably cut that sword in half.


Delta 3V, .190″ 60.5 HRC
Total length 28.75
Blade length 20.0
Weight 1lbs 11 oz
Edge angle 20 DPS
Grippy 3D machined scales

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